Booty + Abs - Monday (Bikini Series Plan Now Available!)

If you are a member of the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan check your email because the plan for the 2018 Bikini Series is out! (Kind of). The regular and the gluten free versions of the plan are out but if you typically use the vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian plans you'll have to wait till later this week. Even if you are waiting on one of the latter plans I suggest downloading one of the currently available plans just to start glancing everything over. 

Also, I know a lot of people have been having some difficulties finding the new protein bites in their local Target. (I myself had to go to 2 different ones). Well, good news for you guys because they are finally up on the target website! So instead of driving all around town you can just pop on over to

And now, for todays workout...

Studio Tone It Up Class

Daily Moves
Go Through 3 rounds of 15 reps per move.

Weighted Lunge - 15 reps on each side

Bent-Leg Deadlift - 15 reps

Weighted Chops - 15 reps on each side

Weighted Bridge - 15 reps

Rock The Boat - 15 reps on each side

*All gifs and photos demonstrating the moves are from*


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