Cardio - Wednesday (Plus Bikini Series Sign Ups!)

I should have announced this yesterday but Bikini Series sign ups have started on the Tone It Up website. You can click here to go to the post to sign up. Once you've done that you will be emailed a starter kit with tips, advice, and a few recipes. If you are a member of the Tone It Up Nutrition Plan you should be getting the Bikini Series Edition some time next week. (They have not given us an exact day on when they will be emailing them). 
Also, earlier this evening they did an Instagram live stream where they talked about the Bikini Series and answered some questions. If you're reading this post close to the time of publishing I would recommend watching the saved stream before it expires.

Now, on to todays workout!

Studio Tone It Up Class

Daily Moves
Do 30 seconds of each cardio move and
15 reps for each set of squats for 3 rounds total.

Switch Jumps - Do for 30 seconds

Squat - 15 reps

Power Lunge On Right Side - Do for 30 seconds

Power Lunge On Left Side - Do for 30 seconds
(Use the opposite foot as the gif).

Squat - 15 reps

Bicycles - Do for 30 seconds

*All gifs and photos demonstrating the moves are from*


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