Cardio - Wednesday

We interrupt your daily dose of the Daily Moves with a little bit of TIU news. If you are a member of the Tone It Up nutrition plan the #TIU31 challenge plan has been released! If you didn't get an email they are in the My TIU section under "challenge programs." If you are not a member of the nutrition plan but want the #TIU31 plan, TIU is giving you the option to buy it as a standalone plan. For more information you can check out this post on their blog.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Studio Tone It Up Class

Daily Moves
Go through 3 rounds of 60 seconds of of each move

Jump Rope - 60 seconds

High Knees - 60 seconds

Skaters - 60 seconds

Jump Tuck - 60 seconds

Plank Jacks - 60 seconds

*All gifs and photos demonstrating the moves are from*

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