Weight Training: Lower Body - Sunday

*I am so sorry but there is not going to be a weekly workout lock screen this week. I came back from work with the worst toothache imaginable and have been in bed all evening. If I'm better tomorrow I will attempt to put something together but I can not promise anything.*

Studio Tone It Up Class

Daily Moves
Go through 31 reps of each move. Break them up however you want.

Side Lunge + Twist - 31 reps switching sides halfway through.

Goblet Squat - 31 reps
(gif used today showed the weight being held at chest level)

Deadlift - 31 reps

Forward Lunge - 31 reps alternating sides.

Bridge Dips - 31 reps

*All gifs and photos demonstrating the moves are from ToneItUp.com*

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