Yoga - Sunday

Looking at todays Daily Moves and my archive of gifs i saw that i didn't have any that matched for today. So for the time being I will just be posting the still photos. I do have the videos saved so on my next day off i will try to make the gifs.

Studio Tone It Up Class

Daily Moves
Go through 31 reps of each move. Break them up however you want.

Chair + Airplane - 31 reps

Goddess Pose + Curl - 31 reps

Triangle Pose + Oblique Reach - 31 reps, switch sides halfway through.

Plank + Pike - 31 reps

Boat Pose + Crunch - 31 reps

*All gifs and photos demonstrating the moves are from*

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  1. Thank you so much for keeping up with this! It's such a great resource - and I know it's been tougher since the daily moves are now only on the app. Thanks!

    1. You're welcome! Since everything is app based now i can't save the gifs as easily (which is why some new moves are still frames only for now) but I'm trying to help the community to the best of my ability.


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